“ENERGY in BUILDINGS” is an International Conference that its been held since 2012. It brings together Engineers, Architects, Stakeholders, Academia and Professionals of different disciplines that contribute and advance the state of art of the built environment.

ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter, promoting it’s active presence in Northern Hellas, is organising the 9th International Conference “ENERGY in BUILDINGSNORTHERN HELLAS” in Thessaloniki, Macedonia.
The Conference will host presentations and workshops of invited speakers.

The conference will take place on Saturday February 22, 2025, at the Grand Palace Hotel, Monastiriou 305, Thessaloniki 546 28 (link).

The sessions of the conference are:

  • 1.1 Infrastructure and Cities
    1.2 New Policy Developments
    & Regulatory Requirements
    2.1 Sustainability in Buildings
    2.2 Industrial Decarbonization
    & Energy Savings
    3.1 Research Developments
    in the Built environment
    3.2 Training – Pumps and Pumping Stations for Municipal Water Networks

The latest schedule is available [here]

ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter will organise a Career Day during EinB-NH2024.

In order to register follow the link below. There is no registration fee for “Energy in Buildings” but you must register in order to attend the conference.

The official language of the Conference is English.



Margarita Asimakopoulou

Journalist, Athens, Greece
How will Industry Contribute to the Energy Transition - Actions and Measures of Domestic Businesses for Industrial Decarbonization

Dr. Constantinos A. Balaras

Mechanical Engineer, FASHRAE, Research Director, IERSD, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
A Systematic Approach for Assessing Climate Resilient Buildings and Cities

Vice Admiral (Eng) Georgios N. Bamplenis rtHN

Honorary Commander of HNLC, Marine Engineer MsEng - MA
Monitoring Platforms for Optimizing, Machinery Reliability and Availability

Prof. Milena Blagojevic

Architect, Department of Design, LABA Firenze, Italy
Historic Buildings and Energy: Challenges, Compromises and Opportunities

Prof. Marko Ignjatović

Mechanical Engineer, University in Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia
The Impact of Surrounding Structures on Energy Performance Simulation of a Primary School in NIŠ

Alexandra Kornilaki

Attorney at Law, LL.M., Associate at KBVL Law Firm – Member of Deloitte Legal Network, Athens, Greece
Developments in the Energy Building Framework at EU and National Level

Kostas Nikolaou

Chemical Engineer, Postgraduate at the School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Field Assessment of Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Consumption in a Hellenic Dwelling

Giannis Papadopoulos

Mechanical Engineer, Phd Candidate at University of Western Macedonia
Combined Use of Experimental and Simulation Methods for the Assessment of Thermal Comfort and IAQ: The Case of Office Buildings

Dr. Christina Skandali

Dipl. Architect Engineer, MSc Light & Lighting, Adjunct Professor, Hellenic Open University, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design
Exploring the Cost-Optimal of Motor Traffic Street Lighting Infrastructure over a 20year Period: First Results

Will Sibia

B.E (Mechanical), Masters Program Sustainable Energy Engineering.
Servitization: A Cool Solution for Energy and Cooling Infrastructure

Charis Toloumis

Head of Business Unit Smart Infrastructure Buildings for Greece, Siemens S.A. and responsible for Digital & Software for Business Unit Smart Infrastructure Buildings Lead Country Italy
Future of Buildings

Militsa Tomasovits

Interior Architect, Lighting Designer, PhD candidate at Hellenic Open University, BA, MA, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Methods for Assessing Buildings’ Façade Lighting Solutions in Respect to Light Pollution

Konstantinos Virtsionis

Mechanical Engineer, MEP Design Engineer at Agapakis Engineering Consulting & Associates, Athens, Greece
Investigation of the Parameters to Determine the Use of an Air Conditioning System with Simultaneous Heating and Cooling

Zois Asimakopoulos

Mechanical Engineer BSc at PANTEC S.A., Thessaloniki, Greece
Greek Buildings Intelligence Assessment: A case study

Leonidas Zouloumis

Mechanical Engineer, MSc., Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia
Towards a Combined Method for the Optimum Management of Building Demand and Supply Thermal Loads
