This is the first webinar on the “TRAINING COURSES IN AIR-CONDITIONING” series with topic “PSYCHROMETRY”.
It will be webcast live on Thursday June 4, 2020 at 17:00 EEST.

This will be followed by the “FILTRATION” webinar on Thursday June 11, 2020, and the “AIR-TO-AIR-HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS” on Thursday June 25, 2020.

16:45 – 17:00 Join the webinar
17:00 – 19:00 Presentation
—>Proprieties of air and water vapour
—>Physchrometric Chart
—>Air Conditioning processes
—>Part-load Air-Conditioning Processes
19:00 – 19:30 Q&A

There is no cost for participation but registration is required.

Your email address and contact information will be provided to the webinar sponsor for communications with you about this event as well as its services and products.

Registration is accepted only electronically and can be completed by pressing the “Registration” button below. Please do NOT send any faxes or emails. Enquiries should be directed to We appreciate you helping us move forward.

The information contained within is presented by ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter as a supplier webinar. It presents information of current interest and to provide a venue for interaction between ASHRAE members and the webinar presenter. These webinars should not be considered peer-reviewed (or the final word on any subject). ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter has not investigated, and ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter expressly disclaims any duty to investigate any product, service, procedure, design, or the like which may be described herein. The appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this presentation does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guarantee by ASHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, design, or the like.

June 4, 2020


Athanasios Paliogiannis

Mechanical Engineer M.Sc.
Sales Manager BSS & Projects at AHI CARRIER SEE SA


  • Properties of air and water vapor / Ιδιότητες του υγρού αέρα
  • Psychrometric chart / Ψυχρομετρικός χάρτης
  • Air conditioning processes / Ψυχρομετρικές διεργασίες
  • Part loads air conditioning processes / Ψυχρομετρικές διεργασίες μερικών φορτίων


