Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ

The conference organized by ASHRAE and AIVC will take place September 14-16. 2020 in Athens, Greece. The conference will also be the 9th TightVent and 7th venticool conference. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the core of ASHRAE’S IAQ series of conferences for the past 30 years. This conference will expand from Indoor Air Quality to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). IEQ includes air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, and illumination and their interactions. The particular focus of this conference is on performance approaches including the metrics, systems, sensors and norms necessary to implement them.

I M P O R T A N T . N O T I C E
ASHRAE continues to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak. At this time, preparations for the IAQ 2020 Conference are moving forward as planned – authors are writing papers to be reviewed, workshops are being organized and the conference schedule is being developed.

At this time we do not anticipate any changes to the IAQ2020 conference, but as in any such dynamically changing situation, that decision is subject to change. ASHRAE is following the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and will comply with relevant national and local laws and regulations.


  • Health and Well-being: Appropriate technical and operational definitions
  • Performance Metrics: For all aspects of IEQ
  • Interactions: Interactions between IEQ parameters
  • Occupant Behavior: How behavior impacts IEQ and how IEQ impacts behavior – psychological dimensions of IEQ
  • Smart Sensors and Big Data: Sensor properties, data management, cybersecurity, applications
  • Smart Controls: Equipment properties, commissioning, equivalence
  • Resilience and IEQ: Responding to climate change and disasters
  • Ventilation: Mechanical, passive, natural and hybrid systems
  • Air Tightness: Trends, methods and impacts
  • Thermal Comfort: Dynamic approaches, health impacts and trends
  • Policy and Standards: Trends, impacts, implications

Authors have the option to submit either a conference paper or an extended abstract and to state their preference for either an oral or poster presentation. Authors are invited to submit a 300-word or less abstract on a conference topic by December 9, 2019.

Decisions on abstracts will be made by February 12, 2020. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until April 17, 2020 to submit their conference paper or extended abstract. A template will be provided for the paper and extended abstract. Peer review of the papers will be conducted by the Scientific Committee.

To submit an abstract:
In order to submit an abstract follow this link

Read more @ASHRAE.org

Keynote Speakers

Philomena Bluyssen

Professor of Indoor Environment, TU Delft

Prof. dr. Philomena Bluyssen received her building engineering degree in 1986 at the Technical University of Eindhoven, and in 1990 her PhD at the Technical University of Denmark with a thesis on ‘Air quality evaluated by a trained panel’. After working for more than twenty years as researcher with TNO, where she coordinated among others several European projects on optimization of Indoor environment quality and energy use, she was appointed full Professor Indoor Environment in 2012 at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, of the Delft University of Technology in Delft. At the TU Delft she initiated the SenseLab, a recently opened semi-lab environment partly open to the public, sponsored by 25 companies and organizations.  Bluyssen is member of the (inter)national organizations TVVL, REVHA, ASHRAE, ISIAQ and CIB. She is co-founder of the Dutch ISIAQ chapter and was the first president of ISIAQ.nl.  She has contributed and/or authored to more than 230 publications.

Richard de Dear, Ph.D.

Director, Indoor Environmental Quality Laboratory, University of Sydney

Professor Richard de Dear is the Director of the Indoor Environmental Quality Laboratory, The University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning (Sydney Australia) where he is also Program Director for the Masters in Architectural Science (High Performance Buildings). Richard has been actively conducting thermal comfort research for almost forty years, during which he has worked in various universities in Australia, Denmark, Singapore, China and the US. Richard is a Fellow of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate, and for the last five years he has been a chair of the IEA-EBC Annex 69 on Adaptive Thermal Comfort. Richard de Dear is currently an editor for the Elsevier journal, Energy and Buildings, and also ASHRAE’s archival research outlet, Science and Technology for the Built Environment. Previously he served as an editor for Wiley’s Indoor Air, Inter-Research’s Climate Research, and Springer’s International Journal of Biometeorology.

Mariana Figuiero

Director of the Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Mariana Figueiro, Ph.D., is Director of the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and Professor of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She has also served as the LRC’s Light and Health Program Director since 1999. Dr. Figueiro is well known for her research on the effects of light on human health, circadian photobiology, and lighting for older adults. She holds a bachelor's in architectural engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and a master's in lighting and a doctorate in multidisciplinary science from Rensselaer. Her master's and Ph.D. dissertation research focused on the human circadian response to light. In 2013 she was elected Fellow of the Illuminating Engineering Society. She is the author of more than 80 scientific articles in her field of research. Her research is regularly featured in national media (e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Scientific American) and she was a TEDMED speaker in 2014.



Dr. Benjamin Jones

Associate Professor, University of Nottingham

Benjamin Jones is an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham Department of Architecture and Built Environment. His work focuses on analytical and modelling approaches to the indoor environment that can inform policies to create low-carbon and healthy building stocks. He is particularly interested in the energy efficient ventilation of buildings and has contributed to the development of ventilation and air quality standards for UK schools. Benjamin is a UK representative on the board of the International Energy Agency’s Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre.

Cath Noakes, PhD, FIMechE, FIHEEM

Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings, University of Leeds

Cath is a Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds. She is a chartered mechanical engineer with a background in fluid dynamics, and significant expertise in ventilation and indoor air quality. Her research group conduct experimental and modelling based studies, with a strong focus on ventilation for health including exploring the transport of airborne pathogens and effectiveness of engineering approaches to controlling infectious disease transmission. She has been an investigator on projects worth over £15M (over £4M as PI), which have supported 11 postdoctoral researchers/KTP associates and 14 PhD students, and have allowed her to work with researchers across a wide range of disciplines. She has over 100 peer reviewed journal and conference papers and has co-authored design guidance for CIBSE and the Department of Health. In addition to her research activities Cath teaches undergraduate and MSc modules in building physics and indoor air quality. She is the Director of Research and Innovation for the School of Civil Engineering and the Deputy Director of Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics and the EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics.

Stephanie Taylor MD

 Architecture, CIC, FRSPH(UK), MCABE
Taylor Healthcare Consulting, Inc.

Dr. Stephanie Taylor received her MD from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts and subsequently practiced pediatric oncology and researched cellular growth mechanisms. Alarmed by the high number of patients acquiring infections during their in-patient treatment, she became determined to better understand the role of the built environment in patient outcomes.   To learn about the design and management of buildings, she obtained her Master’s in Architecture at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont.    Dr. Taylor now works as an international consultant and research leader in designing and operating hospitals and other commercial buildings. Her unique approach is to use health data of building occupants to determine which indoor air and design characteristics support or harm human health. She has published in Nature, Science and other peer reviewed journals, is a Distinguished Lecturer for ASHRAE, and a regular contributor to Engineered Systems
