The ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter, promoting it’s active presence in Northern Hellas, organised the third Technical Conference in Thessaloniki, on Saturday, May 14, 2016, at the auditorium of the TEE-TKM.
The timetable of the Technical Conference can be downloaded here.
The Conference was webcast live. Individual video presentations will be uploaded in the future.
Mechanical Engineer, Secretary General, Technical Chamber of Greece-Central Macedonia Section
The Building Sector and the Technical World in Times of Economic Crisis: Current Situation, Opportunities and Future Challenges
School of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The effect of Thermal Bridges in Heat Losses from the Building Envelope
School of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Holistic Approach of the Synthesis of Structural Elements of the Building Envelope
Mechanical Engineer AUTH, Solution Partner Manager, Siemens A.E.
Current Trends in Building Management Using Automation
Mechanical Engineer AUTH
Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems - An Overview
Electrical Engineer,
Sales Engineer
Pumps and Hydraulic Air-Conditioning Networks
Physicist, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Adjunct Professor, Lighting Design HOU, Researcher, Lighting Laboratory NTUA
Designing Indoor Lighting
Application Manager Car Parks/Pressurization Systems, SYSTEMAIR
Parking Ventilation & Staircase Pressurization
Civil Engineer AUTH, ASHRAE BEMP, Energy Planning & Saving Consultant, Energy & Building
Building Design Tools for High Energy Efficiency
Mechanical Engineer, General Director SYSTEMAIR HELLAS
Ecodesign Ventilation Units
Mechanical Engineer, Academic Associate, School of Science and Technology, International Hellenic University
Energy Savings using Solar Thermal Systems
Mechanical Engineer, Sales Manager, THERMOGAS SA
Drainback Solar Thermal Systems
Electrical Engineer AUTH, Laboratory of Renewable Energy Sources, Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences
District Heating with Biomass. The BIOFOSS Project
Mechanical Engineer
ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter Vice President
ASHRAE Ventilation Standard 62: An Overview
Electrical and Computer Engineer
Dpt of Electrical Engineering.
Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences.
Energy Management in Buildings - Smart grid - Information and Communication Technologies.
Why is it necessary to ensure compatibility between them
ASHRAE Student Branch
TEI of West Macedonia
Automated System of Thermal Space Autonomy for Application in Large Public Buildings. TES-S
Open Discussion - "Students are Shaping our Future"