Europe, the Middle East & Africa


“ENERGY in BUILDINGS” is an International Conference that takes place annually since 2012, except for the mandatory break due to covid restrictions. It brings together Engineers, Architects, Stakeholders, Academia and Professionals of different disciplines that contribute and advance the state of art of the built environment. The Conference will host accepted presentations and workshops of invited speakers. There is no conference registration fee. The official language of the Conference is English.

The conference will take place on Friday & Saturday November 22-23, 2024 at the Grand Hyatt, Athens, Greece.

Papers are being sought for the Conference. Interested authors are invited to submit papers and posters, that will be peer reviewed, to be considered for presentation. Submitted contributions should be original research papers, not submitted or considered for publication elsewhere.

Authors should submit their paper, of no more than 8 pages, by September 6, 2024.
DEADLINE EXTENSION to September 30, 2024

If accepted, full papers will be due September 30, 2024. “October 11, 2024”.

Authors should submit their poster, by October 14, 2024.

For the Paper Template follow the link
For the Poster Template follow the link

For the PowerPoint presentation template follow the link
ASHRAE’s Commercialism Policy and Guidelines must be adhered to, on all Papers, Posters, Presentations and Discussions. For detailed info follow the link.

For the “Call for Papers” document follow the link

Accepted full papers will be published in an electronic media publication (e-Proceedings book with an ISBN number). Oral presentations will be videotaped and uploaded for free viewing on the Conference website. Only the papers presented during the Conference will be included in the e-Proceedings..

The schedule can be viewed here
(updated Nov. 21, 2024)

ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter organises a Career Day during EinB2024

Registration is open follow the link below

All enquiries should be directed to:



Dennis Knight

President, ASHRAE
Empowering Our Workforce: Building a Sustainable Future.

Vice Admiral (M) Panagiotis Dimitroglou HN

Commander of the Hellenic Navy Logistics
The relationship of the Hellenic Navy and the Hellenic Chapter of ASHRAE

Prof. Aleksandar Andjelkovic

PhD, Mech. Engineer, Director of Energy Innovation Center, Head of Thermal Engineering Chair & Laboratory, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Innovative Approaches to Optimizing Indoor Environmental Quality

Dr. Sofia Balamoti, MD

MSc, EBCOG , Breast Surgeon, Private surgery at Pyrgos Apollon, Breast Specialist at IVF Athens & Leto Clinic
Making Surgery a Safer Place for Everyone

Dr. Costas Balaras

Mechanical Engineer, Ph.D. FASHRAE, Research Director at IERSD-NOA, Athens, Greece
A Systematic Approach for Assessing Climate Resilient Buildings and Cities

Darryl Boyce

P.Eng., Fellow ASHRAE, ASHRAE President f2019-20
Achieving Net Zero Operation in an Existing Building Retrofit – The ASHRAE Headquarters Experience

Doug Cochrane

P.Eng., LEED AP, MAshrae, ASHRAE Director at Large (DAL) 23-26
Does Hvac System Selection with Decarbonization Considerations Work?

Dr. Drury B. Crawley

AIA, Fellow ASHRAE, BEMP, Director, Bentley Systems, Inc.
Trends: Buildings, Technologies and Tools

Prof. Sani Dimitroulopoulou, PhD

Principal Environmental Public Health Specialist – Indoor Environments, Air Quality and Public Health,UK Health Security Agency
Impact of Climate change policies on IAQ and health

Prof. Argiro Dimoudi

Civil Engineer, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
Energy Study and Upgrading of a Secondary Education School Building with the Aim of Creating a Zero Carbon Emissions School Building

Dominik Flikweert

Head of Public Affairs EMEA, Senior Group Public Affairs Manager, at Systemair AB, Sweden
Reporting First, Sustainability Second? Ensuring Accurate, Verifiable EPDs and LCAs for HVAC Products

Dr. Maria Gavrouzou

Physicist, Associate Researcher, NCSR Demokritos, Greece
Energy Interventions that Contribute to the Climate-Proofing of Buildings on Multiple Scales

Prof. Marko Ignjatović, PhD

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in Niš, Serbia

Elpi Karampali

Senior Expert, Risk, Regulation & Reporting MSc, MRes, Executive MBA, Certified Risk Professional
Connecting the Dots from SDGs to Enterprise-Level Sustainability and ESG: A Double Materiality Necessity

Dr. Theodoros Katopodis

Mechanical Engineer, Senior Manager Ernst & Young, Greece
How to Address Requirements for Physical Climate Risks to Enhance Buildings Resilience

Alexandra Kornilaki

Attorney at Law, LL.M., Associate at KBVL Law Firm – Member of Deloitte Legal Network, Athens, Greece
Developments in the Energy Building Framework at EU and National Level

Takis Kotis

CEO, Cambridge Medical Academy, Cambridge. United Kingdom
Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections with Artificial Intelligence

Thomas Lamnidis

Lawyer, Managing Partner, LAMNIDIS LAW
Greece And Nuclear Energy

Dr. John McKeon MD

CEO of Allergy Standards Ltd, Principal at Indoor Air Innovation and Research (iAIR) Institute
Advancing Indoor Environmental Quality Metrics: Integrating Biomarkers and Real-Time Monitoring for Health-Optimised Buildings’

Janice K. Means

PE, LEED AP, FASHRAE, FESD, Professor Emerita, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan, USA
Carbon Sequestration

Evangelia Mitsiakou

Architectural Engineer (March), MSc Environmental Design of Buildings, Passivhaus/EnerPHit designer, PHPP Expert, Energy and Retrofit Assessor
Heat Decarbonisation of Public Sector Housing: Deep Retrofit using a Retrofit Plan Methodology

Dr Anastasia Mylona

Chartered Engineer, MCIBSE, Technical Director CIBSE
Thermal Comfort in a Changing Climate

Kostas Nikolaou

Chemical Engineer, Postgraduate student, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Field Assessment of Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Consumption in a Hellenic Dwelling

Dr. Ali Nour Eddine

M.E., Senior Technical Manager at Eurovent Certification, Paris, France
The role of certification in building sustainability

George Pantelidis

Mechanical Engineer, MSc, EUREM, Head of Design and Projects, ZEB SA
Introduction to HVAC Design pt. I

Aris Papadopoulos

President & CEO ZEB SA
Investment Opportunities in High Performance Buildings

Sotirios Papathanasiou

Lead Author and Founder of Global Open Air Quality Standards, Spain
Beyond Energy Efficiency: Creating Thriving Indoor Environments

Mathias Riggenbach

Head of Product Management Drainage and Supply Systems - Geberit International Sales
Acoustics in Plumbing piping systems

Alexandros Sofianopoulos

Chief Operating Officer, GEP Group
Workplace Safety for Energy-Efficient Retrofitting Projects

Dr. Angela Southey, MPH

Chief Technical Officer, Airmid Healthgroup ltd
Independent Validation of Products which Improve Indoor Air Quality

Alkis Triantafyllopoulos

Mechanical Engineer, MSc in Energy Engineering, ASHRAE Global Trainer, Head of Engineering at Menerga Hellas

Introduction to HVAC Design pt. II

Charis Toloumis

Head of Business Unit Smart Infrastructure Buildings for Greece, Siemens S.A. and responsible for Digital & Software for Business Unit Smart Infrastructure Buildings Lead Country Italy
Digital Technologies and Future of Buildings

Dr. Marwa Zaatari

Mechanical Engineer, IAQ Consultant, USGBC Board Member, ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force chair

Christos Zoukos

BSc Computer Engineering New York University, MSc Business Analytics Imperial College London, Consultant Boston Consulting Group, London, UK
Engineering & Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Filza H. Walters

MBA, FESD, Professor of Practice at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
Developing Smart Building Technology Modules to Enhance Workforce Preparedness: A Case for AI-Driven Academic and Professional Education

Prof. Lambros Doulos

Associate Professor, PhD, MSc, Physicist, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable design, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Sustainable Lighting Solutions in Developing Countries: The Case Study of Mozambique

Zois Asimakopoulos

Mechanical Engineer BSc at PANTEC S.A., Thessaloniki, Greece
Greek Buildings Intelligence Assessment: A Case Study

David Morrissey (sub. Dr. Gráinne Cunniffe)

Science Lead, Ireland
Evaluating a Range of Fiberglass Insulation Products Designed for Healthier Indoor Environments

Fotios Galanis

Mechanical Engineer,MSc, PhD (c), Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory, Thermal Section, School of Mechanical Engineering NTUA, Athens, Greece
Modelling and Experimental Evaluation of an Open Cycle Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Unit

Georgia Katsouli

Civil Engineer at Hellenic Air Force, School of Applied Arts, Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece
THERMAL BRIDGES, Assessment of Linear Thermal Bridges at Different Positions of the Building Envelope Using THERM Software

George Konstantopoulos

Dipl. Electrical Engineer and Computer Science, MSc Environment and Development, PhD (c) Energy Policy, Researcher in National Technical University of Athens, Greece
A Socially-Oriented Reuse of an Abandoned Building as a Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Building for Senior Housing
