“ENERGY in BUILDINGS” is an established International Conference that took place for the fifth consecutive year on November 12, 2016, in Athens Hellas.
The Conference was organised by the ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter in collaboration with the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE).
It brought together Engineers, Architects, Academia and Professionals of different disciplines that contribute and advance the state of art of the built environment. Information and videos from the previous conferences can be found at the Hellenic Chapter’s website (www.ashrae.gr/events.php).
The official language of the Conference is English.
Press Release (July 9, 2016)
With over 35 scientific papers, over 18 keynote and invited speakers and two workshops for both conferences in three parallel sessions, this was an event that nobody should have missed.
November 12, 2016
08:00 – 19:00
ATHINAIS Cultural Center
Kastorias 36, Athina (map)
You can download the latest timetable
(version 6 Nov. 2016) here
You can download the proceedings of the “ENERGY in BUILDINGS 2016” International Conference HERE
Minister of, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks
A Sustainable Roadmap for Energy in Transport : Innovation, Efficiency and Productive Reconstruction
Chemical Engineer
President, ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter
Welcome Address
Mechanical Engineer, Secretary General of the Governing Board of the Technical Chamber of Greece-Section of Central Macedonia
Construction Activity in Hellas of Crisis: Opportunities and Measures to Contain the Situation
Research Engineer at Laboratory of Heterogeneous Mixtures & Combustion Systems, National Technical University of Athens
Façade Sun Protection System Enhanced with Phase Change Materials: A Numerical Simulation Study
Mechanical Engineer, Ph.D. (c) in Thermal Engineering at Lab of Heterogeneous Mixtures and Combustion Systems, National Technical University of Athens
The Effect of Vacuum Insulation Panels on the Energy Efficiency of Lightweight Steel-framed Drywall Buildings
Group Energy Conservation, Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens
Operational Energy Savings & Embodied Energy in Hellenic Residential Buildings
PhD candidate in Thermal Engineering at Solar Energy and Buildings National Technical University of Athens
Solar Assisted Heat Pump Space Heating Systems in Athens - An Energetic and Financial Analysis
Architect engineer, M.Sc. Environmental Design of Buildings, BREEAM Assessor, ASHRAE BEMP Certified, NZEB Designer
A Review of Glazed Constructions with Phase Change Materials
Assistant Professor, Management & Decision Support Systems Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Building Energy Management Systems using an Innovative “Smart City Platform"
Environmental Physicist M.Sc., Research Associate
Group Energy Conservation, Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens
Trends of Popular Energy Conservation Measures and Resulting Savings in Hellenic Schools
Architect, National Technical University of Athens, MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings, WSA, Cardiff University, PhD Researcher, National Technical University of Athens, Scientific Associate of Institute of Zero Energy Buildings
Facing the challenge of improving energy efficiency in existing buildings by Architectural Energy Retrofit (AER)
Mechanical Engineer, M.Sc., NTUA
Photovoltaic Energy Efficiency Analysis for Hellenic Residential Buildings
Mechanical Engineer, MSc., Project Manager at the Regional Development Agency of West Macedonia (ANKO) S.A
Biomass District Heating Systems design: The Grevena City Case Study
International Sales Manager at Engie Refrigeration GmbH, Mechanical Engineer
Variable Capacity Refrigeration Compressors
Energy Manager, A&B Enterprise, Athens, Greece
Tab Techniques Within an EPC Give High Energy Savings Verified by IPMVP Tool in the Greek Energy Regulator Building
Indoor Environmental Quality and its Impacts on Health – Case Study: School Buildings
Students, Dpt of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, School of Engineering
Persisting Utilization of a Listed Building
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University, Chairman Arab HVAC Code Committee, Deputy Director (International) AIAA
Simulation of Air Flow Pattern in a Room with Ceiling Mounted Circulator
Chemical Engineer, Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Dpt., National Technical University of Athens
Thermal Insulating Geopolymers Based on Inorganic Foaming
Electrical and Computer Engineer NTUA, MSc in Energy Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Tertiary Sector Buildings
Chemical Engineer NTUA, CEO, Heliostat Ltd.
Cost Effective Operation of Combined Cooling Heat and Power (CCHP) in Buildings
Laskos Konstantinos, Civil Engineer AUTH, ASHRAE BEMP, Energy Planning & Saving Consultant, Energy & Building
Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings Projects
Mechanical Engineer M.Sc., Lab of Soft Energy Applications & Environmental Protection, Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Applied Technology, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences
TMY Performance in Calculating Building’s Thermal Energy Consumption
Structural Engineer B.Sc., Environmental Engineer M.Sc., Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
Tranformation of a University Building into a Nearly Zero Energy Building
CEO at CAREL Industries S.p.A., Brugine (PD), Italy, Mechanical Engineer
Energy saving through evaporating cooling in comfort and industrial applications
Senior Researcher, National Observatory of Athens, Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development
Electricity Consumption Characteristics for Areas in and Around Athens
Systemair, Technical Director
Why Ventilation?
Chemical Engineer, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens
Two Component Layer for Retrofit with Insulating and Structural Properties
Assistant Professor at the Dpt. of Electrical Engineering, Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences (TEIWM)
Integration of Building Automation Systems into Microgrids Management Systems for Effective Demand Response Schemes in Smart Grids
Fellow-ASHRAE, Fellow-REHVA and Fellow-WAAS
Building Integrated PV (BIPV) – Measuring Technical Characterization and Standardization
IT & Organization Unit, Hypertech SA
Visual Comfort and Energy Efficiency for User Centric Lighting Control
IT & Organization Unit, Hypertech SA
A Demand Side Management Framework Driven by Ambient Services and Consumer Profiling
School of Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Department, National Technical University of Athens
Parametric Analysis of a Solar Cooling System Designed for Athens Climate
Head of Unit, Information & Communication Technologies, Engineering & Natural Sciences, Bavarian Research Alliance