ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter, promoting it’s active presence in Northern Hellas, is organising the 6th International Conference in Thessaloniki, on Saturday, May 11, 2019, at ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL.
The Conference is organised by the ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter in collaboration with the Technical Chamber of Greece, Section of Central Macedonia (TEE-TKM).
It brings together Engineers, Architects, Academia and Professionals of different disciplines that contribute and advance the state of art of the built environment. Information and videos from the previous conferences can be found at the Hellenic Chapter’s website (
The official language of the Conference is English.
The latest timetable for the conference is available here
Saturday May 11, 2019
Aristotelous Sq.,
546 24 Thessaloniki, Hellas
There is no conference registration fee, but registration is required following the link below
Ph.D., P.E., FASHRAE, FASME, FISIAQ, ASHRAE President 2013-2014, Department of Architectural Engineering Pennsylvania State University
Integrating Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
P.E., FASHRAE, Whole Building Systems, LLC, Founder, Principal
Health and Wellness in The Built Environment. An Introduction
Mechanical Engineer, FASHRAE, Research Director, Group Energy Conservation, Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
ASHRAE Fellow, ASME Fellow, AIAA Fellow, Professor of Energy. Cairo University, ASHRAE Director at Large
ASHRAE Fellow, ASME Fellow, AIAA Fellow, Professor of Energy. Cairo University, ASHRAE Director at Large
Climate Change, Refrigerants and Building Codes Nexus
Dpt. of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
The influence of Planted Roofs to Buildings’ Thermal Behaviour
Mechanical Engineer, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
Zero Energy Buildings in Smart Cities: The Next Challenge
PhD Architect Engineer N.T.U.A, M.Sc. Surrey U. f. Director, Laboratory of Environmental and Energy Design of Buildings and Settlements, D.U.TH.
Preliminary Report on a Panhellenic Social Survey Regarding R.E.S. and Comfort Conditions
Mechanical Engineer, MSc, EUREM, President-Elect, ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter
KENAK & ENERGY AUDITS – How Buildings’ Design is Affected
Mechanical Engineer, Vice President, ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter
HVAC Systems for Hyper Efficient Buildings (aka Passive Houses)
Mechanical Engineer MSc., Sales Manager BSS & Projects, AHI CARRIER SEE SA
Key Study of Energy Savings, based on Eurovent Classification of AHUs’ Mechanical Characteristics
Mechanical Engineer NTUA, AE Academy Supervisor, LG Electronics, Athens, Greece
Central & Remote Monitoring & Control for HVAC Systels / Improving Comfort & Energy Efficiency
Building Efficiency Services & ICT Environment
Architect Engineer, MSc. Energy systems, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Administration Dept., Thessaloniki, Greece
Policy Brief on Sustainable Growth. Recommendations on Energy, Climate and Environmental Policies
Mechanical Engineer / Sales Manager, DELTA HEATING AIRCONDITIONING LTD, Athens, Greece
Optimum Cost Reduction Through an Advanced HVAC System in Euphoria Resort, a Modern Hotel in Crete
Civil Engineer, M.Sc. – Acoustical and Noise Consultant
Noise and Vibration Control Requirements, Design & Case Studies on Hotels
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dpt. of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos, Adjunct Professor, Hellenic Open University, School of Applied Arts Greece, Researcher, Photometry Lab, NTUA
Zero Light Energy in Classrooms
Dipl. Mechanical Engineer, ΜΒΑ, Secondary school teacher, Ph.D. (c) in School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.TH.)
Seasonal Coefficient of Performance of Air-to-Water Heat Pumps in the four Greek Climate Zones
Electrical & Electronic Eng. M.Sc.
The world’s first smart-pump
Chemical Engineer, CEO at Creative Nano
LightCoce, an Ecosystem for the Up-Scaling Of Lightweight Multifunctional Concrete and Ceramics
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICN2), CSIC and BIST, Campus UAB, Barcelona, Spain
Functionality by Controlling Surface Topography at the Nano Scale, Applied in Building Environment
Mechanical Engineer, Vice President, ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter
Mechanical Engineer, FASHRAE, Research Director, NOA, Greece
ASHRAE Standards & Regulations